Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This whole month has been kind of frustrating for me. I have not been playing my best poker(which is surprising me since I was so pumped about the new year) and I am running like shit the whole month and it's starting to wear on me. The barage of bad beats/coolers/card deadness I've had to endure this month is prob the main reason I'm also not playing well. I have put in some decent volume so far and despite the shittiness I am ahead about 2.7k for month. To make my 100k goal for 09 I'll have to avg about $8,250/month so it sucks to fall behind pace already, but it is way early. The important thing to remember in poker is that no matter how crappy things seem to be going it could always be worse, no doubt about it. Ironically, my worst poker month(full time) was Jan of last year when I finished month ahead 2.6k. That month I was up over 4k at the midpoint of the month then things fell apart the 2nd half. This game is nuts though, I could go on a hot run the last week or I could run like worse shit and finish down, who knows. Will try to keep my head on straight and play some A+ poker.

The day after my last post I lost back about $650 followed by another +1k day followed by a day where I was down 1.3k at one point but semi recoved to finish day down about $660. In a short session today I finished up about $100. It's been so goddamn swingy like that all month, it's fucking with my brain, lol.

I guess that's it, not much else to whine about.



HokieGreg said...

sucks dude...keep grinding

endgamep said...

Youre doing fine man. Youre up 10K the last 1000 games you have played in the 110 and 220 taken together. And thats NOT including rakeback.
Thats all you need to make 100K/year if you play 20 games/day at average. If you play less than 20 games day average you cant expect to make 100K/year if you play mostly 110 and some 220s.

playing 20/games day average in the turbos, 1-tabling, is about the same amount of time as a normal job I believe.